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<title>MBTA Train System Space Issue</title>
<version n="1" date="2016-07-13"/>
<problem_stmt>In today's Boston, an outdated public transportation system known as the MBTA
is using older model train cars to transport its passengers. The limited amount of space
in these cars fill up quickly and eventually there is nowhere for these people to go.
This leads to delays and extremely uncomfortable conditions in which riders must endure
on their commutes. The lack of space can also lead to the spread of bacteria, germs and
viruses that could infected commuters who are squished together like packed sardines. It
is crucial that this problem be addressed because this form of transportation is used by
many who find it to be the most practical and affordable way to travel around the city.
But with proper help in the mechanical engineering discipline and funding, these issues
can be resolved. This solution will lead to an an outcome where the transportation
service will provide a more comfortable, healthier and enjoyable experience for
<citation style="APA"><author>Grabar, H.</author> (2016, February 12). <title>Subway Cars
Should Be Like Centipedes.</title> Retrieved July 11, 2016, from
http://www.slate.com/articles/business/metropolis/2016/02/subways_should_have_open_gangway_cars_why_does_the_u_s_resist_it.html </citation>
<background type="source">This article by the Slate, a popular magazine that examines
and analyzes issues in today's society,</background>
<summary type="general">takes a look into the space situation with subway systems in
America. The article first examines why subway cars are becoming so overcrowded in
these American cities compared to other global cities. Then it looks at the
solutions these other cities like Paris, Tokyo and Toronto have come up with to fix
this issue. There are also examinations into methods like taking out seating which
would provide more space and allow the trains to move faster without the extra
<relevance type="application">What the author finds to be the best solution to improving
the space in these subway cars is having gangway trains instead of the string of
separate cars that attach to one and another. The article goes on to say that these
gangway trains have shown encouraging results and do show an effect on the
crowdedness of these train systems.</relevance>
<citation style="APA"><author>Annear, S.</author> (2013, October 22). <title>MBTA Orange
Line Trains Will Be Replaced, Red Line Vehicles Added.</title> Retrieved July 11,
<background type="author">The article, written by Steve Annear a digital writer at
Boston Magazine and former writer at Boston Metro newspaper, </background>
<summary type="general">discusses the newly passed bill that will improve the MBTA
system. The article discusses how the MBTA will be <q>replacing the entire fleet of
120 Orange Line cars, and 74 Red Line cars,</q> which will provide more seating
and space for riders. The article goes on to discuss the planned timetable for these
improvements which were estimated to go into effect by 2019. </summary>
<relevance type="application"> For people already using the subway and train systems
these new additions to the Orange and Red line will provide them with a more
comfortable riding experience. These new improvements may also lead to more timely
and accurate scheduling that will lead to less delays and faster commutes.
<citation style="APA"><author>Gans, F.</author> (2015, December 22).<title> MBTA Riders
Demand Improvements in Service amid Fare Hike Plan.</title> The Boston Globe
(Boston, MA). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from
<background type="source"> This article from the Boston Globe, one of the most
prestigious newspaper companies in the country, </background>
<summary type="general">takes a look into the new fare hikes by the MBTA and overall
reception by their customers. First the article goes into the 10 percent hike
increase and the frequency at which these prices are going up at. When interviewing
some of the riders of the MBTA, the reception was seen be as negative, as one rider
put it, <q>It’s not a big amount, but think ahead. If every 24 months they keep on
raising it, one day, it’s going to be $40 a week. And then one day, it’s going
to be $50 a week. I don’t know why they can’t just keep it a normal fare</q>.
Later the article goes on to examine the demand by the customers for improved
services, but also acknowledges that people are skeptical of these upcoming
improvements. </summary>
<relevance type="value_stmt">It seems as if the author was able to understand and
amplify the overall reception and feeling of the public. </relevance>
<citation style="APA"><author>McDonald, C.</author> (2016, June 28). <title>Meet The Germs
Sharing Your Seat On The Subway.</title> Retrieved July 12, 2016, from
<background type="source">Popular Science, a long running, award winning magazine that
finds all of the new and most popular topics in the science community, </background>
<summary type="approach">takes a look at the microbes and germs that infest the inside
of a subway cars in large cities. First the author goes through previous studies
done by researches in cities like San Francisco and New York who took samples from
subway cars and were able to find a plethora of germs and microbes that exist within
these trains. From there it goes on to talk about how recently in Boston, a research
team went to examine some of these subway cars where they collected and analyzed the
samples they acquired. From there it divulges into more of the research, examining
the results and what actually exists in these subway cars. </summary>
<relevance type="application"> The article brings more awareness to the idea that public
transportation can be a simple way of contracting these germs and bugs from other
individuals. What can be done to prevent this is having these systems to implement
improvements that will provide less opportunities for these germs to spread and
grow. </relevance>
<citation style="APA"><author>Fishbein, R.</author> (2016, May 3).<title> Report: The Subway
Is Crowded and Getting More Crowded So Please Everyone Stop Moving To NYC.</title>
Retrieved July 12, 2016, from
<background type="author">The author, Rebecca Fishbein, who is an associate editor and
writer at the Gothamist </background>
<summary type="general">addresses the overcrowding crisis found in subway systems. The
story goes more in depth with the issue in New York City, where this has been a
reoccurring problem for years and how it is only getting worse. The article talks
about the upcoming projects that should address this issue,</summary>
<summary type="interpretation">but then shows skepticism on whether or not it will actually
ever happen. Throughout the piece there is continual jest at the New York subway
city and the overcrowding epidemic.</summary>
<relevance type="application"> The message that is being sent to all people living in
large metropolitan areas, who use public transportation is to apply pressure on the
officials running these transportation systems. It is a calling to make the people's
voices be heard and react the diminishing quality of public transportation.